Saturday, 2 November 2013

...and a riot ensued..

Magic has claimed the little house and Red the radiator bed as the weather gets colder. This works fine till the ginger dough-head decides to annoy Magic. He'd really like a pal to play with but settles for being run out of town and being hissed at.

The roof is pushed in as this is his latest trick of standing on it to squish Magic to rouse her. Usually though he sidles round the edge of the house and pokes Magic through the door before leaping back strategically to avoid the angry inhabitant. Today he decided the roof trick wasn't working so an all out slap-fest would be the best way to show his love to Magic.....!
 The Boy is plotting
 The roof squash and awakening of the beast
 Look for the hooligan
 It wasn't me, honest Guv...
 You still in there...?
 Olympic slaps
I'm warning you.....
Come 'ere you little rat-ball....till I rattle your ears...!
Ps. The human knows the little house needs a good de-fluffing but Magic will be back once Red has been 'dealt with'...!
PPs. Don't worry no-one ever gets hurt; it is all posturing, claw-less slapping and vocal acrobatics then a 50mtr sprint and a couple of high jumps


  1. We have smacky paws here too! Nobody ever breaks skin though - we all know that is against the rules.

  2. Awww. That looks like a lot of fun! Heehee.

  3. Must be fun to watch. Hope no one loses an eye.

  4. Fun for the cats and entertainment for their people - what could be better?

  5. Hi there Red Setter. Well I did set the alarms off but it was metal within my boots not my bag. I absolutely love your description of quirky and will hold that dear. Oh.the crochet hook did not set the alarms off. Thanks for popping in x


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